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The Solo Ninja

I only saw Batman once.

About Me

Omar Ashraf Picture

The Solo Ninja

A ninja or shinobi was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The functions of a ninja included reconnaissance, espionage, infiltration, deception, ambush, bodyguarding and their fighting skills in martial arts, including ninjutsu.

Like the Phoenix, I have risen from the ashes. And into my fire, you shall fall.


Ninja Star

Ninja Quotes

They don’t call me 'Air Mikey' for nothing.
- Michelangelo, 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'
Ninjas don't wish upon a star, they throw them.
- Jarius Raphel
Only a ninja can stop a ninja.
- Cho Osaki, 'Revenge Of The Ninja', 1983
True ninjas are always outnumbered, because they are individuals.
- Jarius Raphel
Unless you are actually a ninja, a guru, or a rock star, don't ever use any of those terms in your bio. Ever.
- Austin Kleon
The first rule of being a ninja is, 'Do no harm.' Unless you mean to do harm. Then do lots of harm.
- Splinter, 'Tales Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'
Knowing when to leave requires training.
- Jane Prowse, ‘The Revenge Of Praying Mantis.’
Sensei, she is incapable of such things. She is as lovely as a dove.
- Haru, 'Beverly Hills Ninja'.
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